As a Member of the Stirling Festival Theatre, you help to ensure that we have a thriving theatre in our community. Becoming a new Member, or renewing your annual membership, makes you part of the excitement of live theatre!
Your membership runs for a full year from your date of payment. You will be reminded by email or by letter when your membership is about to expire so that you can renew in time and have your membership privileges continue.
Membership has its privileges. For only $35 per year you receive all of these benefits:
Members-Only Discounts: Save as much as $5 per ticket on the regular price of most shows.
Advance Ticket Purchasing: Pick your favourite seats before they go on sale to the general public.
FREE Ticket Exchange Privileges: Up to 8 hours before the performance allows you to select seats for other shows or a gift certificate; just give us a call. Non-members pay an exchange fee of $10 per order.
Memberships may be purchased and renewed in person at our Box Office or by telephone with a credit card. 613-395-2100 / 1-877-312-1162.
To purchase or renew online, Click here.
You may also email the Box Office your intentions, our Membership Coordinator Carla Smith will get back to you.
Under Canada Revenue Agency legislation, we cannot issue charitable income tax receipts for memberships because of the tangible value you receive.